Intersect Blog

  • Remote+Care Telehealth Solutions
    Searching for a better way to… –         Reduce ED visits –         Reduce preventable admissions –         Improve patient outcomes? The key is in better PREVENTION and EARLY INTERVENTION. While telehealth video visits have changed the way we deliver health care in a BIG […]
  • Telehealth may SLOW outpatient revenue and patient access in the post COVID-19 era??
    In the past year, telehealth has proven an invaluable tool for maximizing patient access. Telehealth claims have grown nearly 3000% in the past year. Virtual visits, in particular, have been a saving grace for patients and providers alike during […]
  • 3 Key Optimizations for the Future of Your Telehealth Program
    The expansion of telehealth is changing the way we deliver healthcare in a big way! Providers who can adapt quickly and effectively will win the loyalty of patients, secure their position in the market and thrive into the future. […]
  • Imagine a Smarter Telehealth Solution
    Remote+Care is HIPAA compliant, developed by a physician and grows with you. No more chasing down the patient for the virtual visit when the provider is ready to see them. Simply notify your patient with our text and email […]